Global Economic Consulting Associates, Inc.
Advanced Tools and Insightful Analysis

We are an independent economic consulting firm, headquartered near Philadelphia, PA.

  • Our international trade data and analytic indicators can help you better understand your company or country's competitive position and identify profitable opportunities in new markets or products.
  • Our workshops on tracking macroeconomic data and economies provide hands-on training on how to use data to your best advantage.
  • Our expertise and extensive network of independent consultants throughout the world enable us to collect data and perform customized research and modeling to answer your questions in timely and cost-effective ways.

    We have considerable expertise in electric load forecasting and can assist you with both short- and long-term forecasting at all levels of your electric system hierarchy.   [Read more.]
    The Versatile International Trade Analysis Link (VITAL) integrates data from respected sources worldwide into one easy-to-use website with extensive display capabilities and advanced analytic indicators... The answer to any trade data question begins with VITAL!   [Read more.]